
If you are a global professional Capacite will help you to select the best learning experience.

Why choose Capacite?

The Capacite methodology is unique and draws a parallel between Portuguese and English to facilitate understanding of the language and its pronunciation. Through practical examples, captures from the recurring difficulty of foreign language speakers, the student begins to understand the points that make it difficulty to communicate effectively in Portuguese, and learns to reproduce sound that until then were not recognized by the student.

Course Program

Popular Courses

Beginner I and II

Students are introduced to basic Portuguese grammar by beginning with simple structures, which they will continue to develop in Portuguese Beginner II. In conversation/listening, students will learn simple conversation models, such as greetings, and develop them in sample conversations and role-playing.

Listening drills and reading practice are used to help the student develop an ear for Portuguese, as well as familiarize themselves with basic structures of expressions In conversation, activities such as role playing, listening exercises and class readings are utilized to practice the grammatical structures learned in the classes. The goal is to allow students to engage in Portuguese conversation naturally and at a manageable pace.

Intermediate I and II

Students are introduced to more complicated uses of the past, present and future verb tenses, including the present progressive and past perfect. They also get exposed to reflexive pronouns, comparatives, gerunds and infinitives. In “bate-papo”, the students get comfortable using these grammatical structures by practicing them in situational conversations. Weekly readings are employed to expand Portuguese comprehension and provide topics for discussion. The instructor also uses material to explain Brazilian culture and colloquialism.

Upper Intermediate

Students continue to learn more complex grammatical structures so that they may connect and develop ideas clearly and concisely. At this level, students are exposed to an intense study of adverb, noun and adjective clauses; they are taught the causative passive, transitional phrases, composition organization, and the ability to distinguish between definite and indefinite articles. In the ”bate-papo” section, students practice these structures in situational conversation as well as work to expand their ideas through discussions of culture and current events. Readings and discussions are introduced with more frequency, assisting the student in becoming a fluent Portuguese speaker.
To further develop the students ability to express ideas, writing assignments are given.


Students continue to learn more complex grammatical structures so that they may connect and develop ideas clearly and concisely. At this level, students are exposed to an intense study of adverb, noun and adjective clauses; they are taught the causative passive, transitional phrases, composition organization, and the ability to distinguish between definite and indefinite articles. In the ”bate-papo” section, students practice these structures in situational conversation as well as work to expand their ideas through discussions of culture and current events. Readings and discussions are introduced with more frequency, assisting the student in becoming a fluent Portuguese speaker.
To further develop the students ability to express ideas, writing assignments are given.